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How do I participate in the guild's alumni activities?

By joining the alumni mailing list, you will get the information about activities for alumni! Join the list using the form below. The list is not used for marketing, but only for information directly related to alumni activities.


There are also two groups on Facebook, one for alumni only and one for current and former members. Of course, you should also follow the guild on the social media channels, which you can find in the bottom bar of the website.


What does alumni activity involve?

The guild's alumni activities are still in the start-up phase, but in the future the activities may include, for example, newsletters, invitations to guild events such as anniversaries, annual course meetings etc. You can also send your own suggestions and wishes to the guild's alumni officer!


Who can join?
All graduates of Tampere or who have studied architecture can participate in alumni activities. Current Master's degree students may also join the mailing list and alumni group.


Ideas, questions, suggestions?

You can contact the guild's current alumni officer at

Join the alumni mailing list

Thanks for submitting!

By joining the list, you agree to the use of your information concerning alumni activities. Registry description.

Tampereen Arkkitehtikilta
Korkeakoulunkatu 5
33720 Tampere

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